matched directories

ls -d ~/.*

climagic (@Command Line Magic) Tweeted: Sometimes I want to be able to see just the hidden files and directories under my home directory, so that I know what I need to transfer to a new host. The -d here prevents seeing the contents of matched directories
ls -d ~/.* https://twitter.com/climagic/status/1501625845340942337?s=27


Open PDF files in vim-nox under Crostini (Chromebook/ChromeOs Debian)

Method 1 - good for VimWiki or plain text Zettelkasten using pdftotext (pdf -> txt)

Put one of the following mappings in your vimrc:

:command! -complete=file -nargs=1 Rpdf :r !pdftotext -nopgbrk <q-args> -

Run with 
:Rpdf example.pdf

Method 2 use chrome browser as default application but has side effect of error
Run :term 
$ xdg-open ./<filename>.pdf