Reading Poorly Structured Excel Files with Pandas - Practical Business Python

In this case, we can use openpyxl directly to parse the file and convert the data into a pandas DataFrame. The fact that the data is in an Excel table can make this process a little easier.

Thumbnails & Screenshots using FFmpeg - 3 Efficient Techniques - OTTVerse

ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 -ss 00:00:03 -frames:v 1 foobar.jpeg



Git Internals - Learn by Building Your Own Git

ugit: DIY Git in Python
Welcome aboard! We're going to implement Git in Python to learn more about how Git works on the inside.

This tutorial is different from most Git internals tutorials because we're not going to talk about Git only with words but also with code! We're going to write in Python as we go.


Tourists on Tech's Toll Roads – Purism

We can't accept being a tourist on tech's toll road, the future demands open highways accessible by everyone, where you can freely go where you want, how you want. Now is the time to disrupt these closed platforms locked to and controlled by a single vendor. Openness and diversity are advantages, not weaknesses, and the future demands more openness, more collaboration, and more freedom and control given to individuals over their own computers.


Idealism vs Reality

Back to the good old days of air gapped AppleSoft basic on the Apple //e


Wiki: Parse imported html CodeMirror vim

  • right click copy image address
  • paste to bottom where the text content is
  • make an image link with [img[]] pasting in the image url
  • %s/>\s*</>\r</g
  • delete the extratraneous markup

ChromebookLinux: use dateutils.datediff

2020-09-12T23:55:00 installed https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=dateutils on ChromebookCrostini but invoking the command took searching bin usr bin and such by going to root then find

./usr/bin/dateutils.dadd  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dconv  ./usr/bin/dateutils.ddiff  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dgrep  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dround  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dseq  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dsort  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dtest  ./usr/bin/dateutils.dzone  ./usr/bin/dateutils.strptime

$ dateutils.ddiff 2020-05-13 today

info and man works with dateutils

Chromebook after a month

These are still curious creatures

Web browsing
